Purpose of the Policy
This procedure sets out where a client can submit a Claim and requirements needed for a valid claim.
Claim Submission
- Any new claims must be submitted to claims@mmka.co.za
- The following documents should accompany the claim.
- Completed claim form, downloadable from https://mmka.co.za/claiming
- Policy Document
- SAPS Certified copy of Death Certificate
- SAPS Certified copy of deceased ID book/Smart ID, stamped “deceased” or alternative
- DHA1663 Form/ notification of death
- DHA 1680 Form/ declaration by traditional leader (if applicable)
- SAPS Certified copy of the beneficiary’s ID book/Smart ID
- Proof of bank account
- Latest 3 months bank statement for debit order policies
- Latest Salary Advice for Persal clients
- “Confirmation letter” from the mortuary
- “Police report” if the death is due to unnatural causes
- Proof of marriage when claiming for a “Spouse”
- Definitions
Policy Document:
The document outlining lives insured and their respective benefits that you obtained when you joined the policy.
Confirmation letter
Letter from a mortuary confirming that they are in possession of the deceased.
Police report
Internal form that must be completed by the SAPS officer in charge of the case where death is due to unnatural causes. It’s obtainable at any MMK office or can be downloaded at https://mmka/claiming
Policy Holder
A person or group in whose name an insurance policy is held, and has the right to exercise all privileges under the contract of insurance.
Main Member
This is the Primary member of a policy, and may not necessarily hold any privileges within the policy
Premium payer
This is the person responsible for Premium payments, they may not be part of the policy, and unless they are specified as the policy holder or main member then they hold no privileges within the policy and are only entitled to payment related information.
This is a person to whom you are legally married under the law of SA (including a civil, customary or same-sex marriage) or (b) the person you have been living with for at least six months in a relationship that is similar to marriage, and intended to be permanent, like a marriage. (Proof of marriage may be required i.e. a letter from Traditional Authority, Marriage Certificate).
These can be the main member’s children, stepchildren or children legally adopted by the main member.
A beneficiary is the person appointed by the policy holder to receive any benefits due in the event of the policy holder’s death. He or she must be 18 or older. The Policy Holder may change the beneficiary at any time.
Claim turnaround time
Once the claim has been captured at one of the offices mentioned above, and all necessary documents have been received by MMK:
- You will receive An SMS confirming receipt of the claim, with the claim reference number.
- A follow-up SMS will be sent with Claim progress within 12 hours,
- Claim outcome will be communicated via SMS within 24 hours. (During normal operating circumstances)
When a claim is approved, Payment of benefits will be made to the specified bank account. In the event where a claim is repudiated, a claim repudiation letter will be issued to the claimant.
This concludes the MMK claims procedure; should you note any deviation from the above terms, kindly contact MMK Insurance Administrators on 087 238 3333, or email info@mmka.co.za